Using Hiera with Puppet
- 3 minutes read - 609 wordsUsing Hiera with Puppet is something I have struggled with a bit. I could see the benefits, namely decoupling my site configuration from my logic. However, for some reason I struggled a bit to really get my head around it. This was compounded by it being quite new (only really integrated in Puppet 3), so the docs are little lacking.
There is some though, the documentation on PuppetLab’s site is excellent, but a bit light. It explains the principles well, but is a little limited in real-world examples. Probably the best resource I found was Kelsey Hightower’s excellent presentation at PuppetConf 2012:
I learnt a lot from that, but it would be nice if there was an equivalent written down. I suppose that is what I am aiming at here.
I am using Open Source Puppet 3. If you are using 2.7 or Puppet Enterprise, files will be in a slightly different place. That is all explained in the documentation linked above.
The first thing you need to do is configure Hiera using the file
. Mine looks like this:
- yaml
:datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata/
- %{::clientcert}
- common
This tells Hiera to use only the YAML backend - I do not like JSON
because it always looks messy to me. It will look for the data in the
folder /etc/puppet/hieradata
. Finally it will look in that folder for
a file called .yaml, then common.yaml. The process it uses to apply the
values is explained very nicely in this image: {% img %}
Next, create the file /etc/puppet/hieradata/<certname>.yaml
contains your NFS exports:
- /srv/iso
- /srv/images
Now, checkout my NFS module from Github links above. If you are not on RHEL6 or similar (I use Centos personally) you will have to modify it as needed.
There are 2 files that are really interesting here. The manifest file
(manifests/server.pp) and the template to build the /etc/exports
(templates/exports.erb). We’ll take apart the manifest, the template
just iterates over the data passed to it from that.
The first line creates an array variable called $exports from the Hiera data. Specifically, it looks for a key called exports. Hiera then goes through the hierarchy explained earlier looking for that key. In this case it will find it in the .yaml.
This data is now used for 2 things. First it creates the necessary
folders, then it build /etc/exports
. Here there is a minor problem,
because you cannot do a for each loop in a Puppet manifest. We can
fiddle it a bit by using a defined
The line list_exports { $exports:; }
passes the $exports
array to
the type we define above it. This then goes ahead and creates the
folders ready to be exported. The ->
builds an order
with the File resource for /etc/exports. Specifically, that the
directories need to be created before they are exported.
define list_exports {
$export = $name
file { $export:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root'
list_exports { $exports:; } -> File['/etc/exports']
Now it can go ahead and build the /etc/exports
file using that same
$exports array in the templates/exports.erb
<% [exports].flatten.each do |export| -%>
<%= export %>,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
<% end -%>
There is nothing especially Hiera’y about this, other than where the data in that array came from.
The rest of the manifest deals with installing the packages and configuring services. Once again, nothing especially linked with Hiera, but hopefully it will be useful for anyone wanting to Puppetize their NFS servers - which of course you should be.