Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Lab”
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Using Umami with Hugo
Umami is a self-hostable web analtics system similar to Google Analytics. From my point-of-view it has several advantages compared to Google Analytics:
- Data Ownership: it is self-hosted so the data is stored on my own server
- Privacy: Google Analytics uses cookies, so can be problematic to comply with certain privacy laws such as GDPR.
- Simplicity: I am a sysadmin, not a data scientist. Umami’s interface is very simple compared to Google Analytics. Granted, this is partly because it does less, but it is fine for me.
This site is hosted on Gitlab Pages and I run Umami on my K3s which has an ingress controller accessible from outside.
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New Home Lab
Where better to start than how my lab is working.
My home lab is not one that has really been planned, rather I acquire/buy things as the opportunity arises. It really has 2 things:
- Kubernetes